
Statement from the BC Association of Farmers’ Markets (BCAFM)  

For nearly 25 years, the BC Association of Farmers’ Markets, a provincial non-profit organization, continues to proudly serve as the voice of 145+ member farmers’ markets and roughly 6,000+ farmers,…
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For nearly 25 years, the BC Association of Farmers’ Markets, a provincial non-profit organization, continues to proudly serve as the voice of 145+ member farmers’ markets and roughly 6,000+ farmers, food producers and artisans in 100+ communities across all regions of British Columbia. Small and large, urban, suburban or rural, our member farmers’ markets are diverse and are places where people gather, celebrate community and invest in their local food economy.  

Together in 2023, BCAFM member farmers’ markets generated $155 million in direct sales, 100% all of which went into the pockets of local BC farmers, food and artisan vendors. Those same farmers’ markets hosted nearly 5 million visits across the province and generated over $234 million in overall economic impact to local economies, including neighbouring businesses.  

Just the Facts: BC Association of Farmers’ Markets Members  

  • Non-Profit Farmers’ Markets: Nearly all BCAFM member farmers’ markets are local, community based non-profit organizations, run by tireless market organizers, including volunteers, who are committed to local farmers, local communities and champions of our local economies and food systems.  
  • 100% Direct Sales to Vendors: Member BC Farmers’ Markets provide a direct 1:1 sales channel for local BC farmers to sell locally grown farm and food products direct to customers. No middlemen and 100% of sales at farmers’ markets go direct to market vendors. Many market vendors also offer additional sales channels including farm gate sales, CSA subscriptions and direct sales to local Chefs and restaurants.  
  • Small, Scale Farmers & Local Food Systems: The majority of BC farmers who sell at farmers’ markets are small scale farmers focused on growing and selling exclusively to local customers in local BC communities.  
  • Transparency: NO reselling is allowed at BCAFM member farmers’ markets where markets and participating vendors adhere to a shared philosophy and policy of Make, Bake, Grow which can be found at this weblink.  
  • Food Safety: BCAFM member farmers’ markets collaborate with all regional Health Authorities to ensure Food Safe markets and that their Vendors adhere to provincial Food Safety Guidelines while selling at farmers’ markets.  
  • Healthy, Fresh Food for Community: Over 90+ BCAFM member farmers’ markets in collaboration with 200+ community organizations participate in the BC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program. In 2023 over 12,000 households equivalent to 32,000 low income seniors, elders, pregnant people and families received farm fresh, healthy food direct from 1,000+ farmers while shopping at BCAFM member farmers’ markets.  

Directly support your local BC farmers and find a local farmers’ market near you. We need BC farmers and BC farmers need you!