Vancity Farmers’ Market Voucher Program
BC Association of Farmers’ Markets (BCAFM) is once again proud to partner with Vancity the through the Farmer’s Market Voucher Program.
In alignment with its core pillar of environmental sustainability, Vancity is committed to producing less waste through their event giveaways (e.g. giving away plastic items) by providing their community event guests with sustainability tools and enriching experiences, including a $5 voucher to shop at their local participating farmers’ market. Visit Vancity at one of the 70+ community events they’ll be supporting across the Lower Mainland and Greater Victoria region between April 10 and October 31, 2020, you might get a hold of a $5 voucher!

What can be purchased with Vancity’s Farmers’ Market Vouchers?
- The $5 voucher is restricted to purchases from farm and food vendors only.
- The voucher cannot be used for purchase of alcohol.
- The voucher cannot be exchanged for cash.
- No change will be given.
Where can Vancity’s Farmers’ Market Vouchers be redeemed?
The Vancity’s Farmers’ Market Vouchers are only redeemable at BCAFM member farmers’ markets that take part in this program and operate in Vancouver City, Metro Vancouver, Fraser Valley or Sea to Sky regions.
The participating BC farmers’ markets are:
[upcoming list]
About Vancity’s Lighter Living Challenge
Did you know that buying local means 33% of business revenues are recirculated into the local economy?
In alignment with Vancity’s core pillar of environmental sustainability, this year they are supporting the key theme of Lighter Living—a focus on providing greater access to sustainable products and the shared use of goods and services.
Vancity will be engaging with guests at various community events this summer with their Lighter Living Challenge which introduces three themes (wasted food, buying local, and plastic waste), and nine challenges where event guests can choose their own adventure and learn how to reduce their ecological footprint. At the end of the game, the farmers’ market voucher will be one of the prizing choices.
Their Lighter Living Challenge will be deployed at over 70 community events across the Vancity trade region this summer, from April 10 – October 31, 2020.The various community events include but not restricted to:
- Vancity Annual General Meeting
- Car Free Day (West End, Main Street, and Commercial Drive)
- Various Shred-a-thons
- National Indigenous Peoples Day

We want to hear from you! Share your farmers’ market experience with us.
- #BCFarmersMarkets
- Instagram: @Vancitycu
- Twitter: @Vancity
- Facebook: Vancity